Josh Surratt

Thoughts from a man enjoying the journey

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Forever I am Changed by Your Love

"Majesty, majesty, forever I am changed by Your Love"

This chorus is stuck in my head after one of the most powerful 1st Wednesday services I have ever been a part of. I have been forever changed by God's love. I was thinking about the power of God's love while I was serving communion tonight.

I had the privilege of serving communion to a guy who I first met about a year and a half ago. I had heard about a police officer who was involved in an accident on his motorcycle. Lisa was in school at MUSC, and we decided to go by and visit him. He was heavily sedated, in a full body cast, and his wife didn't want anything to do with us. He was barely even awake enough to know that we were there. It was a little bit uncomfortable, but we just let them know that we were there and available to help in any way possible. Then we stepped out of the room and prayed outside of his door with his parents.

A few months later I saw him at church, and gradually he has gotten connected and committed his life to Christ. I talked to him tonight and asked him a little bit about his journey. I told him that I was excited to see him getting involved at Seacoast, and his reply was pretty cool. "After my wreck, you guys showed when I got better, I decided to check out Seacoast. I knew where the church was because I had directed traffic for you guys a few times. God used that lowest point in my life as a wake up call, and my life has been drastically changed since then."

We didn't say anything profound. We didn't even bring anything with us. It was a bit awkward, and I honestly wondered if it was even the right thing to do. All we did was show up and show that we cared. That's it.

I spend a lot of time doing a lot of things - some of them important - but I was reminded tonight, as I served him communion, that nothing is more important than showing God's love to people who have need. That guys life has "forever been changed by His love"


At 1:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's pretty cool alright. I love getting to do what God wants me to do -- not always at the time, but when I see what He had in mind all along, I remember that it's always his day to be God. It's always my day to be (stupid, clueless, imperfect, use your own adjective) but used by Him while He does incredible stuff.

Great job last weekend, by the way.

At 5:23 PM, Blogger Del said...

Here is a story about Emerging Church Movement.

Tell me if you think Seacoast is one of these three definitions. It was good seeing you over break.

At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Josh, I just wanted to say "thank you" for being there for my nephew at the hospital. When I drove down, he was still not conscious, and I had to drive back not having seen him. There were lots of prayer warriors doing battle over this man's life, and you are a first-hand witness of one of the miracles that God still performs today. We are so grateful to everyone who has had a part (large or small) in the return of this lost sheep into the fold. We love him dearly and are thankful that he has found his way back.

At 11:22 PM, Blogger Surratt Family said...


Thanks for commenting here! I definitely believe that your nephew was a modern day miracle.


It was great to see you too. My short answer is that we probably could fall into the first two definitions. The reason I would put us in the second definition is that we are always looking at different ways to structure and we certainly aren't married to a particular style.
I don't know if you've seen this article or not - - but after I read it I couldn't help but think that we might be "emergent" because we have certainly found ourselves in each of the categories. What do you think?

At 1:08 AM, Blogger Michael O said...

what an amazing story - I am truly encouraged. How many times a day do I "deny Christ" like peter, by not mentioning Him when I should. . .

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Beth Deiss said...

Wow, I came across your blog as I was trying to look up this song. It's so amazing how God works! I needed to hear your testimony. I am mentoring a girl who is really struggling. I myself am struggling as to how to minister to her. I feel like the Lord keeps telling me just love her. What does that look like exactly God, I keep asking myself? He reminds me of how his love has changed me and then after reading your testimony I am once again reminded that it is not what I do or say but is the love of Christ that flows out of me which will change her! God bless


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