Josh Surratt

Thoughts from a man enjoying the journey

Monday, June 06, 2005

An Interview With God

I am going on a medical mission trip to Nicaragua in August and we had a team meeting tonight. We were talking about the importance of preparing your heart for missions through prayer and journaling.

I have always seen the value in journaling, but I have never been very consistent. I love looking back at some of the thoughts and prayers that I have jotted down and remember what God was teaching me and how I have grown since then. One of the women in our group had a great approach to journaling - do an interview with God. She carved an hour out of her schedule and interviewed God. What a cool idea. If you were to interview God, what would you ask Him?

Some of my thoughts:

What are some of the most exciting things that you've been up to lately?

Are you happy with me?

Am I doing everything that you want me to be doing right now?

Why did you make mosquitos?

These are just a few of mine. What about you? What have you learned about journaling?


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